Friday 26 December 2014

I like..


I mean I really like clothes.

I am that crazy girl who will stay up until some stupid hour of the day looking at Tumblr tags and Instagrams just to marvel at the clothes other people wear. I like seeing what people wear, to me it is fascinating. Why did they choose to wear this today, of all days? Are they going to an event, are they just chilling at home? Granted, some Tumblr photos are mainly of grungey models doing some sort of 'I don't give a shit' pose usually with a cigarette or bottle of Jack Daniels in their hands, wearing denim and Dr Martins. But, these awfully posed photos are what really inspire me.

If you type in grunge or 'soft grunge' (whatever that means) or just look through 'tropical' tags on instagram you see all these gorgeously dressed up girls that are dressed so casually its makes you relaxed just seeing them. I know full well that some of these styles I cannot and will not pull of, and yes, sometimes I am staring at these girls in envy of their perfectly toned stomachs and natural faces but that's what girls do I think. It's poisonous.

Upsettingly, I will never pull off a halter-neck. This issue really stumps me when I am feeling particularly 2000's and very girl band-esque. Similarly, I cannot really pull of things that have a high neck, although I haven't tried recently. And I also have this huge hatred toward my arms, because they're quite large and alongside my broad shoulders and large bust I am very conscious that it may make me look like an American Football player that doesn't actually need shoulder pads.

For Christmas, I obtained some Dr Martins of my own which I fell in love with at first sight despite the pain they cause me. I love these boots. They will be a staple piece from my wardrobe, 100 percent. The thing is that big clumpy shoes like these is what defines my style. My mother doesn't understand why I will not wear sandals. She also doesn't really see the appeal in wearing a dainty dress and finishing it off with some huge boots or shoes, She believes dainty dresses should be warn with pretty shoes and big clumpy shoes should be for when I am dressing like a boy. But that's one of the few things that separates me and my mother, style.

I definitely have a style, I think everyone does. It may not necessarily have a label but you have a style. When you are shopping certain things take your eye and others don't. The things that take your eye, no matter how different, is your style, I think. Also, I think you can tell a lot about a person by what their "go-to" or 'staple' outfit is. Mine is some sort of band tee/oversized shirt and skinny jeans (ripped is optional) and black or white converse (now Dr Martins). I think this says a lot about me as a person. The first time I showed up at work and I wasn't wearing uniform, I was wearing ripped skinny jeans (black of course) and a The Beatles shirt, a oversized denim jacket and black high top shoes. The first thing said to me was "I didn't think you'd dress like this" and that shocks me. I don't look girly, although I am very femine, and I am a smart ass sarcastic bitch so I thought my look suited me well. But then again, they barely knew me.

Maybe I confused my colleagues because I have a knack for looking and acting like a shy girl that likes flowers and wants to be 10 again and then in 0.0001% of a second changing to a 'I don't actually care what anyone thinks or says can you please leave' attitude and wanting to accommodate that with jeans, a shirt and nirvana playing loudly.

Did I receive any clothes at Christmas? No, because I am possibly the hardest girl to shop for clothes as you can never be too sure that I would actually wear that ever, you may think you're certain I would but I am so particular, it's literally 50/50 all the time.

Good luck on buying me clothes world, because, if you hadn't already been bored out of you're head and actually made it this far on this very spontaneous late at night post inspired by IT by Alexa Chung the style princess of my life (Bridgette Bardot is queen), I am very complicated.

x x x

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