Wednesday 27 August 2014

Russell Howard: Wonderbox

So, I went and saw Russell Howard live in the Bristol Hippodrome on the 13th of August, as I mentioned in my last post. But I didn't really talk much about it.

So, as I said my boyfriend got me tickets for Christmas last year which was lovely. I really enjoy Russell Howard's comedy and he is from around my area which makes him a little more special to me. I don't know how old you had to be to watch him live, but his jokes were slightly adult in humour but that is his style and its perfect to me.

The bonus of watching him in a place like the hippodrome is that it is small, so irregardless of where you sit, you always have a good view and you don't have to watch on a huge tv screen which kind of spoils the 'live' idea really, because I could have got a better view at home. I don't really see the point in watching things like comedy in huge arenas because you're so far away from the act there is literally no point. However, I understand people wanting to be there for the atmosphere, but I don't really think there is much of an exciting atmosphere for comedy as there may be for music. People may disagree, but I just don't think it's the same. I digress. 

Of course the prices of food and drink were ridiculously over-priced just as much as the merchandise was, but I think you should expect that from going to a gig. That's just what it's like. Even though the prices were so high any normal person would scream and pack food and drink before hand, I managed to buy a few things. To be honest, I personally only spent £20, which was on the Russell Howard Wonderbox tee. 

Yes, it is a well made t-shirt but I hardly think it is worth £20. I bought it anyway because to be honest, I am not going to buy it anywhere else and it was just to commemorate the evening, so I reasoned with my spending. Tim, my boyfriend, spent the most money, as he said it was my Christmas present so he insisted. He only bought me two things, but it did come to a grand total of £15.70. Yes, two things. Those two things were; 1 programme for the show and 1 archers and lemonade. The programme was £10 and the drink was £5.70! That is very pricey but ah well, I didn't pay did I. *sniggers*

Russell said that the name 'Wonderbox' has German origin where they used to keep a box with lots of memorable moments and stories in it to share with generations and even the world. He named his show 'Wonderbox', as he ended (much like on Good News) with a heart warming story of a boy who Russell met who was losing his fight with cancer and invited Russell to his wedding, but making sure he only wore the penis costume (Mr Dildo) from one of his episodes. But, the boy made a miraculous recovery and Russell invited him on stage wearing the penis costume. The boy looked wonderfully healthy and it was nice that he had become friends with one of his favourite comedians. Also, everyone clapped for a long while in the hippodrome for the boy, and the fact that Russell went on request to see this dying child makes me regain faith in humanity during all this conflict and sadness all across the world.

Overall, I had one of the best times watching Russell Howard perform that night and he is just as good on TV as he is in real life. It's now an awesome feeling when I watch him on TV as I have seen him so close in Bristol. He is my favourite comedian and it's a shame I couldn't tell him that he means a lot to me. I really want to thank my awesome boyfriend for giving me the ticket for that night as it was one of the best/funniest nights of my life and I doubt I shall ever forget it.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday 21 August 2014


Hello there my lovely lovely readers!

How are we all? Swell. 
As you can tell from my capitalized title, at the moment my life is a little crazy, but also very exciting. I've done some cool things and I have some cool things coming up so I'm so excited to share them with you, because, you know, you're damn awesome!

First things first i'm the realest, on Tuesday 12th I went to Argos and bought myself a laptop with mum. It was already on offer, and as I work there I did get an employee discount, which made it lovely and cheap cheaper than it would have been. This has been a huge asset to my life, and now I will be writing more on here and posting more photos, because I have a wide screen webcam which is actually alright quality. I haven't had my own proper working laptop for a while before which was a nightmare in sixth form but I made it through. Ironically, I'm now not in education at all (didn't end up going to uni, more about that soon) and I have a laptop.. but that just gives me more opportunities to write which is exciting. I really like Windows 8 too, even though I was somewhat sceptical because a lot of people had been moaning about it but I quite like it.

The following Wednesday, I went to see Russell Howard: Wonderbox live at the Bristol Hippodrome, with that boyfriend of mine, Tim. It was actually amazing and I absolutely loved it. I knew I would love it because I absolutely adore Russell Howard because he's from Bristol and so funny! He's also quite good looking too, just sayin. I bought a new t-shirt to commemorate the evening as well, it was obviously merchandise meaning it was ridiculously overprice for what it was, but it is a really nice top and it fits me well, which is great. Probably one of the best ways to get my mind of my A Level results that were due the following day.

Thursday, Thursday, Thursday. RESULTS DAY. The day when so many 18 year old's across the UK either do or do not get into Uni and it usually involves a lot of crying and alcohol.
Luckily for me, I didn't really have a passionate NEED to get into university, and I only really applied to have the experience as still don't think i'm sure what I want for a career. So when I logged on to the UCAS website and found out that I wasn't accepted into my first choice university, I wasn't really shocked nor sad. It was more of an 'well that makes sense' as I kind of new that I wasn't going to get the grades I needed because I wasn't THAT great at A Levels and found it really hard to revise and remember piles and piles of information. Saying that, I did get CDD in my three A Levels I took which I was quite pleased with, although I think I would've liked a higher grade than a C in English Language as that was the one subject I knew. Clearly, I don't perform well in exam conditions anyway and with the ex-education secretary, Michael Gove, ruining my A Levels for me half way through them I think I did alright. Now, I'm just on a hunt for a full time job, which is full of exciting possibilities.

During my entire summer, also, I manages to get horrendous bites all over my ankles and they were infected and one made my entire foot swell up and it was gross. The scarring will now live with me for ever.  If you are faint hearted and of a nervous disposition, look away now.

These are my ankles at their worsts. As you can see the left ankle was a lot worse and I could barely walk on it. It was so painful. The ones on my right ankle were just itchy. I know this was the only photos on this relatively lengthy mass of words and I know they aren't the most beautiful of pictures, but I thought i'd share my hell not really i survived but yeah and the damage bloomin' insects can cause!

That's just an update on my life so far and I shall talk to you guys again soon! 
Love you all


Monday 11 August 2014


So, I'm back everyone! 
I was being lazy and uninspired to write on my blog and I had a-levels to finish and work so I've just been a bit mad, but now we are in the middle of summer and I'm going to get this whole thing going again I promise! Really want to tell people things so this is the best way to do it, I think. 
So, Thursday is A-Level results day and even though I'm nervous for it (although I am an anxious person) I don't really mind the outcome. I'm not horrendously desperate to to to uni, so if I'm not accepted to UWE I shan't be going! Which in my mind isn't a big deal because I know I tried my hardest and revised like mad so what else can I do? Obviously, if I don't get to UWE then I'm not cut out for uni so I'll just look for awesome jobs! There's always a silver lining.
Tomorrow I'm buying a laptop so hopefully I'll be blogging more than before! I shall probably also work on my tumblr and try and get more of you following this blog, because I know right now it's really bland but it'll get livelier I promise! 
I'll tell you what I may do on this page soon!
1) if I get into uni I will do a sort of room tour and let you know about my first weeks.
2) if not I'll be going shopping soon so I'll do some more hauls and things for you! 
3) I'm seeing Russell Howard live on Wednesday with my boyfriend so that should be exciting! 
4) also in September I'll be going to an NFL game with my boyfriend because he's really into it! Which I'm very excited for because who knows what it will entail! 
5) I've got my friends 19th birthday party on the 23rd so I'll talk about that! 
6) Finally I'll probably do some more tag posts so you can get to know me because they seem like fun! As soon as I get my laptop by posts will be better because I will add photos and things!

Let your friends know about my blog people!

Lots of love for you!
Stay tuned!