Thursday 31 October 2013

Happy Halloween!


I'm being boring and I'm doing absolutely nothing for Halloween for many reason, they are as followed:

1. I literally have nothing to do on Halloween, there's no parties or events happening and I don't want to dress up for nothing.
2. I have absolutely nothing to wear, I don't usually do Halloween, I literally just have some witches hat and some jewellery from last year when I had to dress up at work, but apart from that.. Zilch!
3. I'm not feeling particularly brilliant and I'm absolutely shattered and I just want to sleep and watch tv!
4. I hate children, actually that's a complete lie, I love kids, but I do like food, and Halloween consists a lot of giving away food! And it makes me sad! Hahaha

So that is the reason I'm not doing any special Halloween blogpost although I kinda wish I was! However, let me know what you guys are doing for Halloween, and show me your outfits cause I would love to see it!! 

Sorry for such a boring post, but I just thought I'd update you on Halloween, or Thursday 31st October as I see it today!

Hope you all have fun tonight, and drink responsibly and try not to eat too many sweets!

Show me your outfits below!


Mwah x

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